Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (FHLBank Atlanta) is a cooperative bank that offers competitively priced financing, community development grants, and other banking services to help member financial institutions make affordable home mortgages and provide economic development credit to neighborhoods and communities.
Our products, services, and programs help financial institutions manage daily liquidity; fund mortgages originated for sale in the secondary market; fund loans and investments held in portfolio; improve their asset/liability management; meet community credit needs profitably; cover temporary deposit outflows; and reduce the funding cost of asset growth.
FHLBank Atlanta also serves the economic and housing needs of communities by providing local financial institutions with flexible options for community development initiatives. We contribute 10 percent of our annual net income to the Affordable Housing Program. These funds have helped construct or preserve more than 173,000 affordable housing units in the Southeast and have contributed to job growth throughout the region.
FHLBank Atlanta does not provide loans directly to consumers and businesses. It makes these funds available through member lending institutions.
The Federal Home Loan Bank System is not part of the U.S. Federal Government. Each FHLBank is a cooperative owned by its member financial institutions.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency is the independent federal regulator of the FHLBanks and is responsible for ensuring that (1) the FHLBanks operate in a safe and sound manner, including maintenance of adequate capital and internal controls; (2) the operations and activities of the FHLBanks foster liquid, efficient, competitive, and resilient national housing finance markets; (3) the FHLBanks comply with applicable laws and regulations; and (4) the FHLBanks carry out their housing finance mission through authorized activities that are consistent with the public interest.
Federal Home Loan Banks are cooperatives whose capital stock is owned by member financial institutions. Each of the 11 FHLBanks is regionally focused and operates as a separate entity with its own management, employees, and board of directors.
Federal Home Loan Bank Atlanta serves communities in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta offers a number of credit products to member institutions, including advances, letters of credit, and other banking services, along with affordable housing programs.
All federally insured depository institutions, insurance companies, and certified community development financial institutions chartered in the Bank’s defined geographic district and engaged in residential housing finance are eligible to apply for membership. Institutions interested in joining FHLBank Atlanta need to fill out the appropriate application for their organization. You can find more information on becoming a member here.
No. Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta’s stock is not publicly traded, but the Bank is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and files quarterly, annual, and current reports with the SEC.
Each of the FHLBanks relies upon the issuance of consolidated obligations as a primary source of funds. Consolidated obligations, consisting of bonds and discount notes, are the joint and several obligations of all of the FHLBanks, backed by the financial resources of the FHLBanks. Should any individual FHLBank not be able to repay a consolidated obligation, the 10 other FHLBanks are required to cover the debt. This leads to prudent borrowing throughout the FHLBank System and contributes to the System’s overall strength.
Affordable Housing Questions
The Affordable Housing Program (AHP) is a flexible source of funding designed to help our member financial institutions and their community partners develop affordable owner-occupied and rental housing for low- to moderate-income families and individuals. You can learn more about the AHP here.
Consumers cannot directly access AHP funds from FHLBank Atlanta, but may apply for associated programs at member institutions in their local communities.
Developers and nonprofit organizations must partner with an FHLBank Atlanta member institution and apply.
Please visit our Member Directory page to locate a member institution in your area.
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